Blue Moon
June 2024
In a metaphorical sense, a blue moon refers to a rarely recurring event, whereas practically it can point to the second full moon in a calendar month or the third full moon in a season containing four full moons. This table, constructed from a re-purposed shipping crate, shows a constellation of plates and cups, together representing a tabletop universe. Forever in transition: moving, circling, rotating. Connecting the complexities of dining etiquette with a planetary system.
Each plate is connected to a stepper motor that moves either clockwise or anti-clockwise for a random amount of time. While the plate moves, pre-recorded samples of clicking glasses, thuds of plates and cutlery are playing. This results in an ever changing choreography of plates with corresponding soundscape.
Materials: Recycled plywood (old shipping crate), fabric, stepper motors, stepper motor drivers, microcontrollers, power supplies, sample player, speakers, glass cups and plates, metal spoons
Exhibited at Näkymättömyys / Invisibility, an exhibition curated at KITA (Kineettisen Taiteen Talo / The House Of Kinetic Art) in Joutsa during Summer 2024.