Semi-modular synth that includes CardBox, Phynth and Song as replaceable modules. Additionally it features the new Mountain-ADSR module and a sample player.

Example of an old performance setup.

Performance practice setup with Composition System #2
Composition System #2: A modular score system with squares attached to a custom light box. The plexiglass squares have score symbols engraved in them and can be rearranged for different compositions. Developed at DordtYart AIR (May - July 2018)

Brick: An experimental sampler that uses the sound of breaking glass. The playback speed and position of the sample can be altered by the two sliders and the pushbutton. The controls are built into a real brick, giving the instrument a rugged feel: as if you could throw it through a window to create a realtime sample.

Song: A workshop-prototype (from the 'Devices' workshop series) and woodworking experiment combined into a 6-tone melodic instrument.

Cardbox 2.1: An Arduino-based USB-controller I built for wtf0.nl. He uses it to control the particle-based visuals that he has developed for our collaboration ALOES.

Beat: Another workshop-prototype (from the 'Devices' workshop series). This instrument does not yet have a fancy interface. I use it to create simple beats during performances.

Reso: Experimental instrument that uses the noise of a stepper motor as a sound source. The motor, controlled by an oscillator, creates different frequencies for dif- ferent speeds. Based on the idea of appropriating (annoying) noises made by electrical appliances as compositional material. It also includes a paper boat.

CardBox: Potentiometer-controlled sound instrument using Arduino as a digital oscil- lator. The programmed micro-controller creates different frequencies and sound pat- terns. Its current programming uses additive synthesis with a shimmer effect.

Phynth: When analog telephony was still the standard, phone numbers were com- municated from consumers to operators via combinations of sine waves or pulse sequences. Nowadays telephony has been digitised and dial tones have become obso- lete. The dial tones that are still present in mobile phones are only a reminder of an old-fashioned system. Phynth is an extended digital version of a dial tone generator, purely meant as sound device.

Rick: A rock-device with more than just a visual identity, it also possesses the ability to transform sound. By switching between different capacitor values and changing the resistance with the potentiometer and fader, the output signal can be in u- enced. The included presets range from pulsating to timbral changes. The electron- ics are inspired by an original schematic from Nicolas Collins.

Prototypes for future sound-devices, based on Arduino.

Cardboard prototype for StepSeq: A four-step-sequencer that uses a stepper-motor as sound-source. An ad- ditional feature of using rotation as sound is that a rhythm can be simultaneously generated with a melody. The physical interface is inspired by classical synthesiser design, while the sound generator is far from common.